1) Who is your style icon:
I would have to go with Audrey Hepburn , because her look is so simple, classic, and put together. Plus, I'm a sucker for the little black dress.

I had to google this one, because I wasn't really sure what it meant. Even after googling it, I'm still not sure, so I'm assuming it means chick book. It's not really my genre of choice, but I remember reading this book in high school and being completely obsessed with it:

3) Favorite party theme:
I have always wanted to go to a Harry Potter movie marathon party, like the kind Jim Carrey went to in the movie "Yes Man". I know it's nerdy, but I think it would be fun to dress up :)
4) Go to Halloween costume:
I can't remember the last time I dressed up for Halloween, but if I ever need a last minute costume, I always opt for either a cowgirl or a Hawaiian costume.
5) Extravagance you can't live without:
I would say my Dolce and Gabbana Light Blue fragrance. It's a little pricey, but I just love the clean scent. However, in my defense, the bottle lasts a really long time and I've actually found it a few times at Ross and TJ Maxx for half the price.

I'm pretty sure my dad is one of the awesomest people I know. He has accomplished so much in his life on his own, and I really admire how far he has come.
7) Greatest fear:
Wow, this is hard, because I'm a huge whimp, and I am scared of so many things. If I had one thing, it would have to be the dark. I guess I've just seen way to many Dateline and 48 hours mystery episodes where all of the bad things happen to people during the night. The worst is being home alone at night. If Mike is out of town, I have to sleep with all of the lights on and cling to Winston for dear life!
8) Trait you deplore in yourself:
I would have to say my inability to tell people "no". I can't stand it when I know that someone is not happy with me, and I will do ANYTHING to make sure that he/she isn't mad.
9) What talent would you most like to have:
One day I want to be able to talk on the phone and wash dishes at the same time. No matter how hard I try, I just can't do it. I have to stop everything that I'm doing when I'm on the phone and am horrible at multi-tasking.
10) Greatest Achievement:
Definitely passing the CPA exam. That darn test took up a year and a half of my life, but it was oh so worth it! I worked so hard on it, and it made the achievement really meaningful to me.
Now it's your turn :) I'm always curious to see how other people answer these survey questions.
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