I hate admit it, but I kind of feel like a bit of a Scrooge this year. Last year, I was so on top of things. Mike and I had our pictures taken by a friend and had Christmas cards made at Costco. They turned out really cute, so we bought 50 of them and sent them to everyone that we could think of. So sorry to all of the random people that I haven't spoken to in so long that we sent a Christmas card to, BTW. I made little Christmas cookie jars as gifts for friends, coworkers, and friends in the ward. I spent hours decorating my house and shopping for the perfect presents for people. Mike and I had been planning and budgeting Christmas months in advance, and we were able to get Christmas shopping done in record time last year. Plus, we were able to get some killer deals on things.
Alas, this year has been a completely different story. I promise I started off the holiday season so well, because I actually had my Christmas tree up before Thanksgiving. But it all went downhill from there. I was planning to have our pictures taken for Christmas cards, but I kept putting it off to the next day. I was just too tired and cranky after I got home from work for a month straight. So, no Christmas cards this year :( I was going to make Christmas cookies as gifts to friends, coworkers, and ward members, but just never got around to it. Maybe it's not too late to buy some cookies from Albertsons and say that I made them. The Christmas gifts have been the most disappointing thing. Mike and I waited until last week to put together a budget and a list of what we were going to get everyone. Since we started so late, it seems like all of the good deals are gone and we won't be able to get exactly what we wanted for everyone. The worst thing was when I decided to make presents for my neices. I actually spent a lot of time shopping for the materials, but the project has taken me quite a bit longer than I actually thought it would at first. Now it's almost Christmas, and their presents are not even close to being done. Bah Humbug!!!
In the end, I say bring on 2010 please!!! 2009 sucked big time!!!!
It did NOT suck! You have a baby on the way, that's the greatest thing of all! :)
I agree, I think I was just feeling really crabby that day. I hate it when I take it all out on my blog ;)
ha ha, i thought it was funny. you crack me up anna!
Yet it all worked out and was PERFECT cause we are family!
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