Saturday, May 23, 2009

Heart Walk 2009

Last Saturday, Mike and I participated in the American Heart Association Walk to raise money for research for heart disease. It was part of an activity that I was involved in at work. It was a beautiful day, and we really enjoyed ourselves. I'm always up for any event that has "walking" and not "running" in the title. This particular walk allowed you to bring dogs, and there were a lot of dogs there! Winston was in heaven!! He made a lot of new friends that day.

I can't even begin to describe how happy I am that summer is finally here in Oregon (I hope I don't jinx myself by saying that). It is truly the best time of the year to live here. I am even more excited that summer is here, because Mike decided to take the summer off from chiropractic school. It is a much deserved break for both of us! I know that he was getting a little overwhelmed with all of his classes, and this will give him time to recharge. Although, I am a little worried, because he has already made a list of various projects that he wants to accomplish during his break. Seriously, the man can not relax. Not that I have room to talk! Anyway, I think this will give us time to sit back and enjoy life again. We can go places, and spend time together as a family!! Yay!!

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