Wednesday, January 28, 2009

25 Random Things...

My friend, Mandy, tagged me on Facebook to write 25 random things about myself. I must say, it's really difficult to come up with a list of 25 items, but I will do my best. Here it goes:

1. I am double jointed in my thumb. I can bend one of my thumbs back pretty far. I actually didn't realize that I was double jointed until I got married, and Mike told me that not everyone could bend their thumbs back that far. Now that I think about it, it is pretty disgusting.

2. I am an obsessive reader. My favorites are from the Jane Austen time period and genre. No matter how many times I read and watch Pride and Prejudice, I never get sick of it. Also, I prefer the longer movie with Colin Firth as opposed to the newer movie. Sorry Mandy :(

3. I am an introvert at heart. I have to force myself to go out and be social at times, and I think I have a little phone phobia. I don't like the way my voice sounds on the phone, and would rather communicate via email or text. Nerdy, I know...

4. I really like my job. Even though the hours are really long at times and let's face it no one really dreams about being a tax accountant, I really feel challenged by my profession. However, ask me the same question in a couple of months, and I may have a different answer.

5. I really like doing crafty things. Sometimes my projects don't turn out the way I initially envisioned, but I really love creating new things and coming up with new ideas.

6. I am always on the prowl for the perfect banana bread recipe. I love banana bread so much and I must have tried over a dozen recipes. However, I haven't found one that has turned out just right. If any of you have any suggestions, please let me know!

7. My husband calls me the most organized disorganized person. Let me explain... I really like to clean, but my philosophy is "out of sight out of mind". As long as I can't see it, I'm fine with it. This includes shoving things in closets and in various drawers. I need to get over that one.

8. I lose my keys at least once a day, and my phone twice a day.

9. I love musicals! Any kind of musical. It's the one thing that I splurge on. I'm so excited to finally see Wicked in March!!

10. I have three nationalities. My father was born and raised in Iran, and my mother is American. Plus, my sister and I were born in Canada.

11. My favorite show is the Office. Strange, but I somehow feel like I can identify with some of the characters. Plus, Steve Carrell is really funny.

12. I love children. I don't have any of my own yet, but hopefully someday I will be able to have a big family. My plan is to have two of my own and then adopt the rest. Also, I want the children that I adopt to be older. It seems like there are so many older children that need a good home.

13. I am proud to be a Mormon. I joined the LDS Church when I was 18 years old, in large part due to a friend's influence. She was such a good example to me of living the doctrines that are taught by the church. I would go into her home, and I would feel something different, something good. I love that families can be together forever and that we have a prophet that leads us and guides us today.

14. I love my husband. Sometimes I think that we are complete opposites and came from two totally different worlds, but we both make each other stronger and better. I can't imagine life without him :)

15. I used to be obsessed over the game Monopoly. I had a friend back in grade school and we used to play Monopoly everyday. My dad bought my a Monopoly computer game, and I would play the game all day. I guess this obsession is what sparked my interest in accounting.

16. I'm still a little bit afraid of the dark. Dorky, I know...

17. I hope that one day I can become just like my mom. She is my hero!

18. If I could meet one person, dead or alive, it would be Ghandi. He's peaceful disposition and his example inspires me.

19. I think I could pretty much live off of pizza. I know it's not very good for me, but I can't help myself. My favorite kind of pizza is pepperoni with pineapple.

20. I would love to go to Italy one day. There is so much history there and I think it would be absolutely beautiful.

21. Before I die, I want to go to Iran and be able to meet all of my family.

22. Another life goal is to be able to wash dishes and talk on the phone at the same time. I don't know why this is so hard for me, but I've never been able to do the two at once.

23. I really admire people who stand up for what they believe in, even if they stand alone. Some of our greatest figures in history stood alone, and our world would not be the place it is without them.

24. I definitely have a sweet tooth. My favorite candy is peanut butter M&M's

25. Now it's your turn...


Adrianna said...

Ha ha! I LOVE that one of your life goals is to talk on the phone and do dishes at the same time! too cute! And I never would have guessed that you are a convert!
You're so adorable!

Melissa said...

My mom has the best banana bread recipe. I need to try to make it myself, so when I do I'll post it on my blog and put the recipe on there. Then you can see if you like it. :)

The Kooky Queen--Rachel said...

I did this on FB. :) Okay 7, 8, 11, and 16...we are like the same person!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW! That was weird! We are A LOT alike, you know that?! Honestly, that was kind of creepy to read that. I kind of felt like I had written it myself. Weird. Maybe were so alike because we grew up with one another. Now the Monopoly thing made me laugh, really hard. You might have been referring to another "childhood friend", I don't know, but seriously do you remember how OBSESSED we were with that game! We would always make bets on stuff to spice it up a bit. I lost a ton of super cool items because of that game. HA HA!!! Good times! You're awesome Anna! I am so excited you started a blog. That was fun to read that.

Anonymous said...

Oh and PS. I too am still obsessed with that game! I love it that you are too!!!

Olivia Singleton said...

You've had me craving peanut butter M&M's since I first read this post! Oh the yummyness...